Create a Fundraiser

Have fun while supporting a great cause!

Every year, Sunshine Coast Hospice is the recipient of proceeds from fun events across the Sunshine Coast. Whether you are planning a concert or a garden party, a lemonade stand or a sports tournament, contact us and we would love to partner with you to deliver a FUN-draising event!

Sunshine Coast Hospice can support your fundraiser as follows:

  • Help with marketing and promotion of the event

  • Supply marketing materials, like brochures and signs 

  • Request a guest speaker to attend on the day-of

  • Provide tax receipts to your eligible donors 

  • Apply for a community gaming event license

  • Host a Hospice information table for larger events

  • Ask our volunteers if they’d like to chip in and help

  • Provide an online fundraising page for your event

  • Provide a letter of acknowledgement for approved events so you can acquire auction items  

Ready to get started?

Contact us today at (604) 740-0475 or nancy.grenier@coasthospice.com


Plan a Legacy


Non-monetary Gifts