Denis Fafard

Past President

Denis worked in public education for 35 years as classroom teacher, teacher educator and union activist. He is Hospice’s longest-standing Board Member, having served on the Board since 2011 during which time he’s had the privilege of serving as a volunteer, volunteer educator, board member and board president.

Denis shares that, “During my time with hospice, I have continually been uplifted and inspired by the generosity of spirit and dedication of our staff, direct service volunteers and directors. Being part of the hospice team has enriched my life.” 

Balancing out his commitment to Sunshine Coast Hospice, he loves to spend time in creative pursuits that engage his whole being; building gardens and rock walls (in his award-winning garden!), wood carving, tai chi and zazen.


Tara Franken


John M. McDougall-Goulet