Brian Myhill-Jones


I have lived on the Sunshine Coast for 48 years, practicing medicine as a family physician, including ER medicine, Anesthesia, and Obstetric care earlier in my career. I retired from my family practice in 2017, but have continued to provide locum services for physicians, LTC visits, and more recently four years part-time in the Opioid Replacement (Methadone) Clinic, until this week.

I have provided palliative care for my patients earlier in my career as well, prior to the palliative care service now being provided. I have been passionate about end of life care ever since second year medical school when I had the privilege of spending time with a group of students at UBC for two days with Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

I consider myself an advocate for patients under my care, for the disadvantaged, and for a medical system which provides optimal and compassionate care for our community. I also consider myself an environmentalist, in the same light, advocating for the health of our planet.


Phill Osnes


Stacey Buchhorn